Conscience and courage in public station and higher standards of right and wrong in private life have become cardinal principles of political faith capital and labor have been brought into closer relations of confidence and interdependence, and the abuse of wealth, the tyranny of power, and all the evils of privilege and favoritism have been put to scorn by the simple, manly virtues of justice and fair play. American manhood has been lifted to a nobler sense of duty and obligation. Their most exalted servant represents the best aims and worthiest purposes of all his countrymen. The highest aspirations of the American people have found a voice. In no other period since national sovereignty was won under Washington, or preserved under Lincoln, has there been such mighty progress in those ideals of government which make for justice, equality and fair dealing among men. His administration is an epoch in American history. In this greatest era of American advancement the Republican party has reached its highest service under the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt. This great historic organization, that destroyed slavery, preserved the Union, restored credit, expanded the national domain, established a sound financial system, developed the industries and resources of the country, and gave to the nation her seat of honor in the councils of the world, now meets the new problems of government with the same courage and capacity with which it solved the old. The Republicans keep talking about “returning the country to a better time” maybe it was the 80s! All I know, is they sure make a good comedy show.Once more the Republican Party, in National Convention assembled, submits its cause to the people. Baracas Mitt Romney as “Face” Peck Rick Perry as “Howling Mad” Murdock and Newt Gingrich as “Hannibal” Smith. Or, maybe this IS the new “A Team”, with Herman Cain as B.A. If so, you have to wonder what’s keeping the “A” team on the sidelines. Some longtime followers of the Republican party have said that the candidates for 2012 represent the weakest slate they have produced in many a year - the “B” team, so to speak. Gingrich and Romney have been accused of hurting the Republican party with all of their negative campaigning in Florida, but I’m beginning to wonder if there is much positive that can be said for this anachronistic dinosaur anymore.
Gop stands for how to#
And Republican nee Libertarian Ron Paul took a step out of his rocking chair to show us how to return to the 19th century (complete with racism). Michelle Bachman showed how short-lived the appeal of the Tea Party is turning out to be. Rick Perry showed us once again that Texas schools are not producing the brightest students around and shouldn’t be dictating what textbooks the rest of the country uses. Actually Newt has been trying to run a campaign without much management for some time (or maybe, he just CAN’T be managed!).

Herman Cain pretended to be a candidate to sell books and boost his speaking tour and then got enamored with actually running until his history caught up with him (and exposed his total lack of a campaign management).
Gop stands for tv#
We had Sarah Palin driving her bus all over the country but not throwing her hat into the ring and Donald Trump acting like a candidate to boost his TV show. With the recent Florida battles between Gingrich (Grandiose Old Philanderer) and Romney (Greedy Oligarchic Plutocrat) and the circus of candidates and near-candidates for the GOP the last year, we should probably call them the “Goofy Odd Politicians”. So, maybe we need some new words for this tired acronym.

has meant the “Grand Old Party”, but it’s looking a lot less grand these days. I think they meant the acronym, not the party, but maybe I’m being presumptuous. The Wall Street Journal recently told its writers to stop using the acronym “GOP” for the Republican party, because they thought many no longer knew what it stood for.